Control Conference lives on as Dutch Game Day powered by Control. On this website you can find information about past editions of the conference.

For upcoming editions please visit

Panel 1


Control Conference is an event where developers from The Netherlands and abroad share their experiences and lessons learned. The talks cover subjects, such as art, (game) design, programming, but also some business aspects of making games.

Panel 2

Previous Editions

The first edition of Control Conference took place in 2013. After that, there were yearly editions, until the last one in 2017.

After a five year hiatus, Control Conference returned in 2022 as the Dutch Game Day powered by Control.

You can find out more about each of the previous editions by using the ‘Previous Editions’ menu at the top of the page.

Panel 4

More information

Control Conference is an event by game development magazine CONTROL

Media & events for the game industry

Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Dutch) (English)


Conference manager: Alessandra van Otterlo (